:.: Expotur’14: O turismo inclusivo e sustentável que se quer para Cabo Verde:. Criada Cabo Verde Handling:.:


NACIONAL: Reparação do navio Guardião custa 10 mil contos:. Santo Antão e São Vicente vão discutir desenvolvimento integrado:. Santo Antão: Esplanada Nova Aurora da Ponta do Sol “em morte lenta”:. Um a cinco anos de prisão para quem rouba energia:.


Quem mi ê? Um fidje de Sanvcênte.
Nascide, crióde, lá na ponta d' Praia.
Lá ondê que mar tâ sparajá debóxe de bôte,
moda barra dum saia.

Cs' ê que m' crê? Cantá nha terra!
Companhal na sê dor;
na nôbréza d' sê alma;
na pobréza d' sê vida!

Sérgio Frusoni




Triplex St. Aubyn
20 Av. Fernando Ferreira Fortes

30th September 2010

Dear Sir

I visited Mindelo over four years ago and have since been developing a business to benefit local tourism. I am a successful businessman in Scotland and I can see the enormous potential in Sao Vicente. I am therefore greatly disturbed to see attractions with enormous potential being wasted.

A prominent example is Club Nautica. This building has the potential to be an exciting attraction for visitors and in fact the slightly run down décor and atmosphere can be attractive and an asset. However in the case of Club Nautico his has gone to extremes and it has become dirty and shabby and run down beyond a joke.

Latterly the traditional local music has vanished and if there is any music it is of very poor quality and what one can see of the kitchen would not recommend any one to try the menu. The kitchen would not meet European Union hygiene standards.

I am led to believe that ownership of the property is divided between local and national statutory authorities and neither will take responsibility. However they are preventing any one else bringing the asset to maximum usage. I am sure that local businessmen would be prepared to form a committee and to turn this property into an exciting, attractive and vibrant asset to Mindelo instead of the unhygienic and dirty dump it is now. It should be a showcase for the musical culture and offering local and Mediterranean type catering from spotless kitchens. I can assure you with the best location in Mindelo it would be an enormous financial success.

Can I implore the various parties who are responsible, to put their differences aside for the benefit of Mindelo.

Yours faithfully

Peter John McCann

25 de Janeiro de 2012

1 comentário:

  1. It has been a very hot spot in Mindelo in 2000s, it was a great place with tasteful food and with the best musicians in town : you're right, it was always full !!



"A mente que se abre a uma nova idéia jamais voltará ao seu tamanho original." (Albert Einstein)


O verdadeiro heroísmo consiste em persistir por mais um momento, quando tudo parece perdido.(W. F. Grenfek)